
"What it is. What it was. What it should be."

"Do you have like 6 toes or lobster hands or something?"

"Did your parents get you glass lollipops when you were a kid? 'Here lick on this. That's not blood it's cherry flavored.'"

"I can hear the ratings going up."

"How come I can't play?"

"It's my show and I'm damn proud of it."

"What is this? Frickin' karaoke night?"

"There is a God. His name is Fat Spice."

"All right you animals, you wack jobs."

"If you break down the word 'choreography' the word 'oreo' is right there in the middle."

"That's absolutely disgusting. I don't want to see any more of that."

"Get away from me, you psychos!"

"Mines just below average. Thanks for asking."

"We just went wrong with this."

"Hit me with that thing. That doesn't hurt, Al."

"It's all about the Benjamins."

"Was she like,'Can I have your shoe?'" about when Natalie Imbruglia was on FANatic

"They kidnap teenagers, there's blood and guts, it'll be cool."

"Jerry Springer doesn't dress like Marilyn Manson."

"It's just a show on MTV."

"That's a great way to pick up chicks. 'Hey, check out my big umbrella.'"

"I have to say that that show is no way in relation to me. You know, 'The Daily Burn'. I'm not the exercise type."

"There they are, the pin-up boys. They are cu-ute."

"You're wrong, and it's my show."

"It's the greatest show on MTV, and not because I host it."

"Size does indeed matter. I don't think that there was ever any doubt on that."

"Golf is a non-aerobic sport, therefor, I remain chubby."

"B.C. Before Carson."

"It's all about bangin' the head and boppin'"

"Ya know, we just started something right now. We'd like to introduce our new group. It's called Two."

"You know what Jesse means in Swahili? Highest, most exalted hair."

"You know what would make you feel better? This song and an otter pop."

"Hi, I'm Carson Daly. I'm the, the, the, the...geek here."

"Yeah, and next Friday I'll wear scuba gear."

"Warms my....nevermind."

"Should you think they suck, not my fault. Comprende?"

"Sounds like a turkey being choked."

"And if you guess it, you don't get anything."

"Do you prefer your Spice Girls with or without Ginger?"

"I like the name 'Ed' personally."

"Imagine the toilet paper that was on this sucker."

"I didn't ask for sound effects."

"...whether they win the Grammy or not, they're still the cutest boy band around." Referring to the BSB.

"And some pigeons! This is an award winning television show."

"Love the video. Love the song. How many great songs are on that CD? Lots and lots and lots." About Third Eye Blind and "Jumper"

"I was like, 'Hi, TRL.' And she was like, 'Hi! Is John there?' And I was like, 'Yeah. Who's this?' And she was like, 'Madonna!' And was like, [mouthing]'Holy sh*t!'"

"That song is so rad." -talking about "My Own Worst Enemy" by Lit

"He is a rock star!" -about Jesse

"Right on. We'll be looking foward to that." -when Fred Durst said that Limp Bizkit was going to mess up

"I highly suggest you don't put that on."

"Oh yeah. Go girl!"

"Not one of those. Perhaps the Best." -refering to the Backstreet Boys

"Don't run across the street. This is not Frogger."

"That was worse than a golf clap. You guys don't even get a golf clap." talking to Blink 182

"Can we get a shot of his feet? All 10 toes painted blue." about Travis Barker's (drummer of Blink 182) painted toes

"Once it hits the internet, forget it." About the uncensored version of Blink 182's "What's My Age Again?" video

"It's always the people closest to you that get you." when Christina Aguilera kicked Britney Spears out of the number 4 spot

"Wouldn't it be great if she said, 'Hi! You suck.'?" to Jordan Knight about when he met Christina Aguilera

"Actually I'd be swearing right now constantly." when Jordan Knight said swearing keeps TV cameras away

"Let's go down the checklist." when he was asking Jordan Knight what was in his new video

"N SYNC's "Eat, Eat, Eat" is now number 12 already!"

"Where my girls at? Bitchin' in the back."

"I like Willy Wonka. Umpa Lumpa."

"Help! I'm in jail! Can I get some bread, some water? A mitt and a ball to play catch?"

"It's sad to see them go." when they retired "Nookie"

"Ooh, hey, a squishy hug."

"I'm proud of you Dave. Mouse on. M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-Dave."

"Did I mention this is my first time wearing shorts? I shaved my legs in the shower last night."

"Hold your stomachs, kids. It gets queasy."

"I'm a genie in a bottle. I won't tell you what kind of bottle it is."

"So what your boobs are bigger. That doesn't make you nicer."

"You're still a bitch."

"Oh, I forgot the rest. Finish the lyric!" (when playing "Mary had a Little Lamb" on the phone)

"Hey, Wilma. That's the ultimate mom name. That's rad."

"Nobody knows Britney Spears's videos like I do."

"They have fans like no other." (about the BSB)

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